Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Henley Green Seventh-Day Adventist Church God's message is our mission.


Prayer Requests

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  • please pray for pet helper to find a home for sweet cat Jeshka, he waits a long time for it.
    an b. - Aug 03 2015
  • Please Pray GOD will Bless me and empower me with the HOLY SPIRIT in JESUS Name,i need the HOLY SPIRIT to help me for i am lost,confused and wandering Luke 11:13 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” ...Please Pray for this request also...I'm 43 ,Never been in a relationship..Please Pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) women companion for loving relationship in JESUS Name Amen.Pray GOD brings me relationship exceedingly abundantly above what i can imagine in JESUS Name Amen.
    Phil Chavez - May 09 2015
  • Please Pray GOD will get rid of all bed bugs in my house and they never return. Been fighting them for over 5 months and can't get rid of them without GOD.My mom is scared she woke up with a bunch of bed bugs biting her.In JESUS Name Pray GOD gets rid of the bed bugs and they never return.And Please pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) woman companionship In JESUS Name Amen.
    Phil Chavez - Mar 24 2015
  • I urge you if possible do one day fating & prayer for me. Heavenly father THANK YOU for everything. Father I confess all my sins, forgive me. Father I have became mentally & physically very weak please take complete control of myself so devil may not touch me. Father have mercy on me & my daughter. Father I cry out to YOU please touch my cruel husband & command him to be a good & faithful husband & care taking father. Father give me strength to live. Father please end all the pain & sorrows. Father I could not speak a word, help me. Father I am not able to bear any more pain from my cruel husband. Hide identity. IJN Amen
    Anonymous - Apr 10 2014
  • I am very depressed, and my brain function seems to be continually decreasing at a time when I need it to increase: I am on an internship in a medical lab, and quizzes are frequent, and mistakes can mean death of patients. I have quite a few issues right now, even this very minute, and I need many urgent miracles - physical, financial, mental/ emotional, social, etc. On top of everything else, my own stupidity/ craziness just got my heart broken. Please pray for me. Thanks.
    - May 17 2013
  • please pray for my brother's and my good health and job security. thank you
    anda b. - Mar 20 2013
  • please pray for my brother's and my good health and job security. thank you
    anda b. - Mar 20 2013
  • We ask for your prayers for our son B who has been estranged from us for 7 years, he won't talk to us and has left us hurting and we also ask for your prayers for our 4 year old granddaughter N and her mother Iqra who is the stumbling block in N's and B's lives. We also ask for you prayer for our two other children who have left church and who are battling in their relationship with God -- they appear not to want to have a relationship with him and blame him for the bad experiences they are having. Please pray that they stop smoking. We are anxious for our son J who took a big step to dissociate himself from groups of young men who were involved in criminal activity and who are now on remand and awaiting trial, but who have in turn lied and said that J was involved in the criminal activity that landed them in prison. J was never involved in the offence and was arrested 2 months after the offence took place, but not imprisoned. He is angry and hurting for says mum I had nothing to do with it. I know this for a fact because he was at home when the offence took place. This has left him and me questioning God has to why - why has this happened - it does not make sense. I ask also for your prayers with regards to my health, I am overweight and this is causing added health problems which would go if I lost weight. It has been a struggle for 49 years - 24-7 my weight is constantly on my mind. We thank you in advance for your prayers
    Auj - Mar 16 2013
  • pet shelter pets in dangerous - Please pray for pet shelter in Jekabpils, they have a financial problems, many cats and dogs arent adopted a long time already. We worry that many pets can be euthanased. Please pray for the pet shelter to get a big financial donations and for these pets to get adopted! thank you
    an barb - Feb 26 2013
  • Please Pray GOD unites me(Phil Chavez) and my soul mate together as soon as it is possible with GOD by any means necessary .Never been on a date or ever had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for this for at least 18 years...Thank You.......1 Corinthians 7:9 But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
    Phil Chavez - Sep 10 2012
  • I've been having some trouble at my work. Yesterday, they wrote me up for taking too long of breaks and put me on 6 month probation and I'm new. It feels like they're being mean to me about when I go to the bathroom and heat up my food. The thing that has me angriest is that the official paperwork construes the too-long breaks as "stealing" from the company and I'm not a thief and don't appreciate being construed as one as it was inadvertent and nobody came to me to talk to me verbally about it and how serious they are about it before slamming me with the official paperwork. Please ask the Lord to help me figure out what my best option is for me personally as if the problems can be solved, then I'd be more inclined to stay at my current job and if it doesn't get better, I would like to get another job and am asking for His help to do so. The employees there seem mean and backstabbing.
    Andrea - - Jun 13 2012
  • Please Pray my soulmate has already been prepared for me and I have already been prepared for my soulmate.Pray GOD unites me and my soulmate together real soon.Never been on a date or ever had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for this for at least 18 years...Prov 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life...Pray everyone who has Prayed for me to get a soulmate in the past years,GOD will remind those people to Pray for me to get a soulmate over and over again and again.Pray GOD will lead many people to see this Prayer Request and Pray GOD puts it in their hearts to Pray for this Prayer Request....Phil C.
    Phil - Sep 30 2011
  • Hello, i would like to request an urgent prayer request. I am a licenced massage therapist. The board of massage is giving me problems because on the massage licence application i filled out years ago, i mis-crossed the right answers pertaining to the questions about: 1) 'drug use' which i did in my teens and does not apply today. Like George bush and bill clinton having used drugs in their college days, not infringing their capability as presidents. 2) 'mentally ill' question which i crossed and does not pertain to me, i only had a depression episode years ago and the Lord has healed me, free from meds since 2 years. And many people with antidepressants are able to work and productive! If you could pray for the people at the board of massage and the department of health to have me eamined my a medical doctor, and to leave my massage licence alone. I just came back to america from france where i have a productive business with 5 employees. The dept of health would have kept me out of any financial ressources these 2 years seing that in my massage business i am spending more than making now, because they did not know i was in europe! It is criminal on their part to leave me without financial ressources, please pray thank you! Thank you for your prayers may the Lord grant your dreams and bless you above all that you can ask or think! Mr Chanoz
    fabien chanoz - Dec 23 2010
  • Please pray for me and my son so that we grow in our spiritual life. Thank you. Esther
    Esther mpinganjira - Feb 08 2010